
Click to play the introductory sequence to Load Restraint Fundamentals.

Welcome to ‘Load Restraint Fundamentals’

Welcome to ‘Introduction to Load Restraint – HVIA’s online course that provides a introduction to the principles of load restraint and a guide to the key tools and techniques for safely restraining loads on heavy vehicles.

Why do we think the course is useful?

No matter your profession or role in the heavy vehicle industry, keeping everyone safe is paramount. Adequately restraining your load is one key way to keep both your staff and the public safe.

Even if your role does not see you behind the wheel of a truck, you may have an important part to play in ensuring loads are correctly restrained.

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator publishes the Load Restraint Guide, which provides a comprehensive guide to best practice for load restraint in Australia. Unfortunately, the load restraint guide is 287 pages long and many people find it hard to navigate.

This course provides an introduction to load restraint to explain key terms and concepts and make subject more approachable. It is intended to help you navigate around the Load Restraint Guide rather than as a replacement for the guide. Many lessons contain references to relevant sections of the load restraint guide.

Knowing how load restraint works will allow you to understand what part you can play and both you and your organisation will benefit from the knowledge that you will gain from this course.

Upon completion, you will understand why load restraint is important and be able to explain:

  • the load restraint performance standards
  • the key strategies used for restraining loads (tie down and direct restraint)
  • which strategies and vehicles are appropriate for different types of load
  • Different types of load restraint equipment and their strengths and weaknesses
  • How to decide whether you have enough equipment to adequately secure your load
  • How to use the checklist out lined in the load restraint guide to ensure the load arrives safely at its destination.

This course is intended for anyone who has any role in moving goods in or out of your organisation from taking or placing an order through to handling the goods.

It is intended for everyone, and everyone will be able to take away important knowledge from it.

As a heavy vehicle professional, you are a vital cog in the machinery that allows the trucking industry to keep Australia moving and the knowledge from this course will enable you to do that in a safer and more productive way than before.

This course is ideal for:

  • Staff involved in arranging the transport, of goods in or out of your organisation and anyone who manages staff that undertake these tasks.
  • Staff involved in the process of handling goods that enter or leave the organisation including drivers.
  • Managers, executives, and other parties wishing to understand their Chain of Responsibility obligations in these areas.
  • New entrants to the transport industry, and persons with experience wishing to refresh or extend their knowledge.
  • Persons working in roles that face the heavy vehicle industry, such as government agencies or departments.

House keeping

Before you get started:

  • Make sure you are in a comfortable position and free from distraction
  • You may wish to use a notebook to take notes, however, this is not required.

During the course:

  • You can stop and start the course at any time, the system will automatically save where you are at; simply logout and back in to restart
  • You are able to go back and review any Topics and Lessons already completed via the Course Content menu below
  • Please feel free to contact the HVIA Training Team if you have any queries along the way.

What happens at the end of the course?

  • On successful completion of all modules and quizzes, you will be able to print your certificate.
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